Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ain't it cool? :D
Watch more @ ImprovEverywhere
Well, they made scenes.
Funny scenes, in fact .

And I just watched annoying orange ! :3

I've been watching youtube videos and
facebook from just now until now .
Well, I totally forgot bout homeworks D:

uh-huh , I used the computer for like more than 10 hours D:
so I went to google ..
Does using the computer/ watching tv kill brain cells?
The answer is : NO .
BUT, if you're between the ages of 13 and 18, watching television/computer will interfer with a major growth spurt that the brain takes at this age.
Dammit D:
no wonder I'm getting stupid-er and more retarded ! D:
Source : Andy,Yahoo Answers

This will be a short and random post .
so i'm done here ! :D
I'll be posting about 10 to 20 things that I liked in my next few posts .
If I managed to get that much, in the first place .

BYEeeeeee ! (:

PS: If you're using Singtel broadband .
There will be a shut down on 31 st of July and they will upgrade the wireless network .
Well, if only you ask for it .
Terms and conditions applies

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