Monday, May 31, 2010


I'm not trying to keep posting and posting and posting .
Just that I read this lovely and wonderful story written by Val .
Yeah, it's her again . Awesome author ! :D

uh, this time round i ain't gonna copy and paste the whole thing again .
and anyway, I do NOT take any credits ! I'm only sharing it through my blog post .

Just a short summary of it to make you interested in reading . XP

"Let me out!" screamed a terrified eight year old Sung Hoon. He was trapped in total darkness with four walls closing in on him. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he remembered what had happen. There was this girl named " Kyung Hee " who saved his life . Coincidentally , they were neighbors . The most amazing thing was that they became enemies . Then lives between both of them gradually became more than just friends ( or you could say enemies ) after much incidents , they finally realized their bond of love .

Oh and one thing to remind you is that they have same names as the previous story i shared . So don't get mixed up :D

It was you all along - Val ,
Genre : comedy , romance & ( you could say violence too :p )
read it and you'll know .

so bye guys ! :D

I'm weird, my english become more lousy than before after much blogging ._.

well, anyway,

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