The song name is " never say never " .
Well, and there's another kid there.
Found out that his from the Karate Kid and WOW, his Will smith's son . :D
Ima share that MV, the song is not-too-bad .
So presenting you ..
Justin Bieber featuring. Jaden Smith - Never Say Never .
More research on him and found out that he got interviewed on Ellen DeGeneres Show before.
Here.. take a look what this small kid said . Well-mannered , talented kid (:
he's such a good talker (: Hilarious & cool little boy .
ohyeah, and that one was on 2009 , you could skip that movie part. :D
I'm an Ellen show fan , (:
Well, I feel like a psycho :B
Just sharing some talented kids (: & hilarious video , of course :D
and here ..
THE KARATE KID :D ( trailer )
After watching this trailer, i really feel like watching the movie ! :D
anyoneee freee? :D LOL :X

okay, that's all for Jaden Smtih (:
Currently facebook-ing & youtube-ing (:
and I'm friggin' hungry ):
Well, ima go search for fooood later . :D
this holiday has been not-too-bad for me .
Well what about you? -->
hopefully, you are doing good in your holidays , and of course, don't SLACK :D
I really should go out more . );
back to multi-tasking !
bye guys & girls ! :D
cyaaaaaaaaaaa ` (:
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