well, had came upon this amusing article :D
hmmmm, heard of the graffiti train ? o-O
ahaha, i doesn't even know why they named it the " vandalized " train . GAH -.-
first of all, there's this two guys " Oliver Fricker " & " Lloyd Dane Alexander " .
Well, they simply went to "cut" the fence barriers at the SMRT depot place and snuck in.
After so, they vandalized the train with graffiti arts .
and well, this train went around for like 2 days until they found out it's vandalized.
Singaporean even thought that this was some kind of new advert . hah, i'll too .
yup, they got caught eventually .
Oliver Fricker spent 10k bailing himself out and well, the other dude escaped . ( Hongkong )
so as you can tell, this man is rich to even use 10k and also lawsuit to come out from the prison. You would wonder, even myself do, why did this man wants to vandalise this train when he knows that he's not abiding the law .
Maybe they wanna their graffiti names be in everywhere? ah, just a random guess . :P
Furthermore, you always know that singapore is a very strict country .
He could have just got permission from the government instead wasting his time and career.
I doesn't know what's exactly is in his mind . ._.
anyway, they are actually famous graffiti artist .
Banos and McKoy , their initial .
so we should be honoured for famous graffiti artist to spray on our train, uh ? :D
-Banos's graffiti (his famous anyway)
Find more of this article at here .
In my opinion, I think that we should try out new things sometimes.
It may looks not appealing for adults with plain and old-fashioned mindset.
But we should try to consider on having such amusing thing that may even attract tourist's attraction right ? :D It's like 1 stone kill 2 birds . (:
Other countries has it and why not singapore ? o.o
In Wellington, New Zealand, graffiti was everywhere.
and even on government property. ↓

and one last word, good luck to alexander . hah!
well, I'm trying to make this as informal as possible . :DD
surprisingly, i did pretty okay har? (: LOL :X
ohyeah, I even did a research where I post a status about this train thing.
and within few minutes, more than 5 or so people liked it . hahahahaa,
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