Yep, today is my father's birthday .
I has no idea why am I afraid to say it loud to him .
My sister and I doesn't have the courage to tell him that .
Well, hence, I post this . :D ( knowing that he will not be seeing it . )
Today is a fine day . (:
We started studying more today . ; for maths and some other subjects .
Oh , did I talk about Mr Cheong ? o-o
anyway, he's our new History teacher :D
Although I always prefer Mr Shahril but he's not too bad . Kinda jokey . (:
and he teaches well. :D
We had another new teacher for geography too .
Not knowing why Mr Sim didn't teach us anymore .
Anyway, Ms Pervin Kaur aka Ms Kaur is our new teacher .
She's hmmmm, wonderful ? :D
she's one unique lady . :D I really look forward for her teaching . :D
we didn't flipped the textbook today because we tried to waste the time by asking questions since it was the first lesson and we should do more introductions and understanding of teacher ! xD
Afterwards, school ends .
I had netball . We have photo takings today ! :D
First shot, formal .
Second and third shot , Fun shots ! xD
Hope we all look pretty . Is it gonna be in the year book ? o_o
then the training begin ! :D
shared the ISH with the soccer boys to do our warm-up and footwork .
After that we went on to the 4th storey in the primary school 's hall to do court games ! :D
WOW, the school has a awesome elevator ! xD BUT, we can't use it D:
our coach didn't allow us so no choice .
Went walking up with the 'medicine' ball . o-o
Had loads of fun during the court games being the center :D
Didn't know if we officially won or not. hmmm ..
because I went for dinner with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday :D
netball was fine today .
Some photos that I took in the restaurant :D ↓ ( with awesome food , yumyum )
that table . Ohh, left two peanuts :D
I wonder why are there this kind of decoratings ? o-o
Someone holding a wedding there ? xD
and whose fingers are those ?! :P
Candid . I was tired and bored . D:
anyway, my water :P
Kangkong , the very first dish . :D
O_O I love this :D crispy ! ~
People starts to look at me while I'm taking photos in the restaurant D:
what's wrong ????
anywayyyy ..
crabby! :D I only ate one pincir thou :P
was already full by that time D:
uhm, yeah . that's all . ( I would get chased out if I took more , i guess D: )
and look what I found in one of my photos folder?!
what a terrible scene D: ohgawd !
and those white foam on the road was soap . YEAH, SOAP!
It would explode like anytime without the soap D:
this is really scary ! D:
hmmm, that's all for my post ! xD
Bye guys ! Imma go read history now :D
yeah,I'm a good kid xP
have a good day ! .
P/S: OMG, tomorrow class photo taking D:
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