Another new addiction . :3
6 days .
exactly six days ,
I hadn't post . OMG .
blog become inactive and kinda' dead . D:
facebook too . ohno.
so let me update you about MUA LIFE .
saturday- went out with my family for breakfast .
Ice cweam + milk tea + pearl = YUMS .
but kinda' sweeeeet .
well and guess what .
The pearl is PINK . wheeee ~ aka roselle pearl .
the straw is wrap up with a plastic cover.
How hygienic .
sunday - slack at home the whole day . and watch
tang qing shuo an - hongkong drama .
Ratings : 5/5 ! MUST WATCH! :3
monday - meet up with group members to finish up the IPW project .
& ...
guess what ?
My cousin is on screen manx ! so cool.
the artist, me is currently painting ! wheee ~
outcome ↓
my toilet walls and tiles .
yeah, it looks childish! booohoo .
after some make-up of the walls .
sorry for the messiness of the furnitures.
wanzhen at work . lalalaa ~ (DO NOT DISTURB)
will show you guys the whole full model once it's done .
hope it turned out nice . D:
and the stupid sliding door , grrrrrrr ...
still have a script to do after this post . );
Tuesday - went out with my family to have steamboat dinner = (Y)
on the way there .
look at the buildings , it's so retro.
now steamboats are like that ~ ooooo
it's a famous stall..
Wednesday - School Reopen .
as usual, ..
just that I had my maths Retest paper .
It's super weird, not gonna explain thou . ;3
nothing special .
took a photo ..
Thursday - TODAY .
great day .
had fun in class .
Home E-con!
shyn wui and Rachel 's PIE!
side view. It taste YUMS okay? (:
although I'm not really a fan of potato ~
Natalyn's & Amalina's .
After school - continue with the IPW project with the rest of the other classmates .
afterwards , went to have MAC , again...
with Seong A (:
gonna go KFC for lunch tomorrow, xD
yeah, and that's my day .
ain't it cool?
6 days in one post . summarise ~
I'm really in a rush to end this post , somehow ..
since I still have 5 scripts for the presentation to do . -.- damn.
hopefully, I will finished it .
bye readers !
thanks for reading !
ohohoh ..
andddd ..............
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PS : I'm still waiting for my headphones ~ lalala.
will be quite busy for this sat and sun , maybe I'll post next monday .
busy finding a suitable present for a 13 years old girl. What should I buy ?
Any suggestions ? ---> tagboard ,ty.
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