It's one of the worst thing in life . Misunderstanding may cause many things to happen. Such as, not trusting that person anymore, feeling miserable and attempt suicide? . Such things happened in life. If it ever happened to you, I'm sorry for you. Such things happened to me too. For example, getting misunderstood by parents by trivial matters. I seriously hate it whenever someone misunderstand me when I'm actually right in a way. I hate people that actually accused you when they don't understand the matter AT ALL . It would be so hard to actually explain when someone misunderstood you. Even what you said or explained, they may think that you're lying. They wouldn't trust you anymore. So, some people just let it be. Cause they thinks and they KNOW that they're right. But some.. they explained and explained until they fight for their rights. People have their own ways to solve things. Fortunately, let bygones be bygones? Let the matter rests and let it be. Times solves everything ( according to some people ) .
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