Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Finally, finished the stupid compo! YAY! :D
Well, what should I talk about ahhhh?
Lemme think first. Or else, I would just crap :)
Ohyeah, grouped with Medric. Wthell. D:
Haiish, I super lucky hor? yeah, no need to tell me.
He crap alot one lor. And I just crap along with him :D
Then he keep singing the " london choco roll " . Sing until out of tune XDXD , laugh like crazy. :P
The group name is " Epic Fail ". Well, last minute come out with one. Cause teacher will ask mah, so just anyhow say one lor. :)
Wanted to call the " zombies " one.
Jiaxing's reason , cause zombies very hardworking never sleep one , like us. XD
Not including me , I sleep alot. XP , thats why I'm seonga's PIG :)
After CE , English Lesson.
Wah, 3 periods ==
Srsly, cannot see the ppt, powerpoint .
Then when I strane my eyes, that bloody wenwei laugh at me.
TSK, very funny meh!??!??!? HMPHMMM!
Then suddenly, that Seonga pop out behind me . So scary. Then she pulled my hairtie out. TSK!
Anyway, I got my revenge. :D Pulled hers out toooo
Then she went to LICK my hand!! OMG . EWWWW
Thats why I keep sticking out my tongue to lick hers . :P
Then we walk out of the schl like some kind of retards. Trying to chase each other.
LOL Stupid ww, keep suaning us. Say we rushing for plane. Idiot. ==
She decided to go my house :) I mean Seong A . Hehe, so fun.
Well, she come for awhile, not awhile . I think 10 to 15 minutes only. lol.
She reminded me to bring umbrella. BUT i forgot. ==
So we was drenched. Yeah, totally soaked ! I mean me , myself and I.
Then called that WW for like 2 times. Ask him where is he , maybe he got umbrella or smth. So we won't get wet. HE AH, never pick up the call!! !*@^&*^!&*%$
Seong A still say maybe he at schl le. Tsk, he always dilly-dally . :P , opps. no offense. Haiya, then he came . And he actually call us to hand up the form for him! Wahhh, he pro manx. ....... !!!!
Aiya, went to seong A house later. So fun ! The food was SO NICE !! :D
Next time must go again :D
Haiish, I think thats all. Gotta go.
11:07 le. Mum's nagging nagging nagging .....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Had so much fun . :)
Thank you !! :) | ||||||
| ||||||
Lessons are still as boring as per usual . ._.
Well, anyways..
Had lots of fun ,during CIP of badminton.
Well, lemme show you some photos we took. :D

Made by : Shin Ru, Rachel , Badminton coach and ME :D
Well, we actually thought that the jiao lian will scold us for doing such things.
Instead, he was like.. where is the handle. Aiyo, lidat la.
Then he started adding in. Well , and he even say " design nicer , later i take picture".
So we do the sponsor of their badminton rackets and shuttlecocks.
Which is that ST. Lol. Love it manx. :D
Well, so yeah. That's all.
Nowadays, I very lazy to blog lor..
So I will only blog like maybe 4 or 5 times a week? Aiya, idk.
Gotta go. Byebye.
Do Art homework !! ><
Nights everyone!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
It's all about today. 270310
Time flies very fast.
Just when I'm watching Amazing Race , the time had already become 4pm.
Well then, my mum called up. She wanted us to get ready as she wants to go Tampines Mall.
Well, what could I say? Yes, duhh.
Hmm, reached there around.. 5pm?
Well, ate in Bakerzin.
Then.. we went walking around the Mall. Yeah, T1 , tampines 1 .
Well, wanted to buy a new school bag. So went in to Ink and started browsing through the whole shop. :) Had some that was quite pretty. I wanted them but .. mum didn't agree with it . She said it was ugly. D:
Anyway, I still bought one sling bag. It's damn NICE ! :D , I love it ttm.
Ima bring it out tomorrow. :)
Then we went to the Kyushu Fair in Tampines Mall. :D
WOW , it was like damn crowded. Packed with people .
It's like a Japanese Fair sponsor by Isetan where they set up stalls to sell Japanese food . I went to buy my favourite Milk Ice cream. It was marvellous. It tasted the same . :) Well, we squeezed into the crowd just to see the things inside. Well, we bought quite a lot of delicacy , it was pretty not bad sampling the food. XP
Well it was actually quite scary that everyone was stretching their hands to actually get the toothpick just to sample the food. I was kinda pissed off , so I decided to just go out from there to actually BREATHE . Ohwell.
Like what we always says, Singaporean the Kiasu? Lol. Well, maybe it's like once in a life time , so their acting like that.
Then we went home around , 8pm? Well, it was fun overall :D
Had a great time shopping. :)
I'm currently Multi tasking. :D
Well, hopefully tomorrow will be better !
Good night ! , 10 am wake up eh. D:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Badminton ' CIP '
We walked back to schl cos Maryann have Badminton training.
And then she scared later she vry lonely mah.
We're very good people hor? , Rachel & me . :P
Anyway, Gossiped with Shin Ru :)
All the poichings , so more to gossip mah. XP
Was actually quite fun eh. :D , hehe. No regrets coming . :)
Well, gossip until Mouth dry , no saliva. Hahas. Too exaggerate uh?
Well, then we decided to help the Badminton people pick up their shuttle cock while they hit them and when it landed on the court.
We was so enthu :)
At first, scared of the shuttle cock . After awhile, dare to even catch it with our hands :)
It was tiring but fun thou . :D and thats why we call it the CIP . :P
:) Now Maryann keep calling us to come for Friday badminton training.
Even the coach thanks us and did not get pissed off by us.
As we're like.. walking around in that court. :D
So yeah, we're welcomed to be there . XD
, came home late again. Around , 7pm .
Mum didn't say anything :D yay!
Sadd, no more Diary of a wimpy kid tmrw. D:
Cancelled. Due to Rachel's idk what. I think smth cropped up. o-O?
Anyway, next Friday !! Good Friday, and let's have a good movie ! :)
Should I go on Sunday? o-O
How to Train a dragon . hmmm..... I wonder who is going.
Aiyaa, see how first lo. :)
Uhm , so let's end it randomly too.
Bye dudes and babes.
Remember to tagged me ! , no I'm not desperate for it. :P
Good night, sweet dreams, sleep tight.
And don't let the bed bugs find you.. !! :B
Apparently, I ain't going to sleep. Just telling that to anyone thats reading the post and is going to sleep soon. :B
HEHEHE, lame. ==
okay, heres a official goodbye & goodnight :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Well, Mr Shahril, right?
Hmm, his pretty not bad. Quite a funny teacher like what some says.
He also damn super random == Tsk.
Thought that he gonna be like fierce fierce kind of teacher.
Anyways, i think history is gonna be fun now. :) Yay! haha.
Yeah right, and now I'm the science rep because of some damn shithole. Uh, yeah.. chee ho. :P
Keep calling my name luh. And also emily name. Was actually reluctant to be the rep as you know, responsibility and stuff will be a burden . Anyway, I did it because I so called pity Emily. She doesnt want to be but just some people keep calling her name like as if she SHOULD be. So I just like " yeahyeah, okayokay" .. ._.
Actually not that bad ayee?
Just have to collect books and stuff. :)
Hmm what else what else?
Uhm yeah, Did quite well for CA1 . :)
Didn't expected that much . So I super happy. until i go blur :X
Hopefully, the next exam will be better :)
Manymany things happened , lazy to type out . :X
Well, went to t1 , ate frolicks.
Yummy :3
To be Continued :)
Next post next post :P
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tiring day ):
It was a tiring day, today.
First three periods?
Sci,Eng,Geog. (BORING) D: *yawns*
then what else?
They let sec 1 to sec 4 having the same recess time. Bloody hell .. ><
The whole canteen was packed with lots of people. Even Mr Hafiz agree with it.
He said " the person that made this canteen is moron " :D , CHEERSS!
We didn't even managed to buy something to eat.
CAUSE , people like know someone from the queue keep asking them to help them buy. I was like WTHELL! GRR...!!
So yeah, we didn't eat much, and we was actually super hungry . D:
after recess, maths. D: *yawns again*
Maths is fun but then.. just that, I can't see leads me to I don't understand.
Don't even know what Mr Lim talking about. Everyone give him those "HUH" look. :)
He explained until so confusing manx. ==
And.. because of You Know What he said.
Uhm, Jiayi cried. D:
Knew that she would cry lo. See her face and eyes red red.
Then we wants Mr Lim to apologise :) , he apologised.
ohwell, and ah.. I don't know Wenwei so good one leh. Hahhahaha, no offense !
Then , CE2.
Write damn long lor. About the yeahyeah, you know..
Seong A say I can be lawyer :D LOL!
Then WanYin&Rachel say , wahh write until so mature .
Finally a fun lesson !
MT, mother tongue.
Wooo, it rocks. Cos we don't bother about Wang Lao Shi. :)
And .. the best thing is that he don't care. :)
then CCM, then dismissed lo.
It was raining heavily. So we thought that Netball cancel or something.
Then Mr Cheng call us to take the pole and balls out.
Wahseh, damn heavy leh. Lucky got Mr Muscles :) Hahaa, show off luhh..
Mr Muscles, Mr Chew :)
Teacher say he trying to train his muscles with the pole. Hahaha :D
Anyway, the rain gets bigger.
So we went up to the hall to have our cca.
After that , started running. As the floor are wet, we must be like damn careful.
We ran up down up down up down the whole school like more than 10 times ._.
Luckily, it was raining. So windy mah.
But after all we still sweat . =="
At least no need to run in the rain :D
Then now it's the torturing part.
Do lots of Footwork.
Almost everything 100 times, 1 set. D:
Pass until my hand going to break le ah.
Then all the footwork , which means running and catching ball.
The running can accumulate become more than 2.4 km run le ah.
Aiya , to keep it short. I would just say , IT WAS TIRING ! ><
3 and a half hour training .
Came home around 7:30 PM.
First thing to do, BATHE .
Cause I stink manx. :3
Madam Nurul never changed my seat ayeee. Forgot to remind her. D:
Nevermind, try to bare one more day :)
Hao le, xia ci zai post.
Zai Jian ! :)
~ Very sleepyy..
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Another memorable day, ):
Carnnot wake up. & rach,mary all have not leave homee.
So yeah, no breakfast. ):
Then per normal, lessons.
Emily did not come to schl, she wanted me to help her collect her hmwk&stuff.
I said " see how first , cause maybe teacher will nominate someone to help you . "
& in the end I told her that I don't know how to explain the art hmwk & music. (for real.)
Am I being very bad?
Anyway, it was seriously terrible&horrible in class . As I can't see a thing on the board or the projector. Had to strain my eyes .. and it really makes my head very pain.
So I told Madam Nurul about the changing of seats and she said she would make some changes tomorrow. :) CHEERS! Woohoo, hopefully, she does :X
Then BGR lesson. Aww, watched two lame videos. About .. AHEM AHEM. Not to ruin my post. :) Then.. assembly.
Was enjoying the music from B5 . :) They was really great.
Most of them came from Thailand , i guess.
Then one of them spoke on the mic. I can't bare but to laugh. Ahh, very disrespectful hor?
Anyway, I tried . :O
Well, go youtube or their website to know more about them if you're interested.
Hmm, after so. English, boring ttm,ttc. Almost fell asleep. D:
Then I can't see the damn questions. == But still managed to complete the assignment. (:
2,o clock. Dismissed.
Went to Tamp Mac, with
Maryann, Rachel & Jolin :)
At first didn't notice the guys was there. Then I saw derrian.. and noticed. :)
Anyway they did a super duper disgusting thing.
Don't know who started first.
- Warning -
You might puke if you read this.
It was originally a fine cup of coke.
It ended up with..
coke + tomato sauce + chili sauce + curry sauce + vanilla ice cream + its cone + fries + nuggets.
Ohwell, i know i know. Gross right?
Hah, guess what?
Aqashah drank half of it. Well, he said it was nice O_O
Wanted to try it but then, derrian took it away. Awww.. next time next time.
Hopefully, Aqashah will be fine after drinking it . :P
Well then, headed to T1 and then .. century Square. Bought some accessories. :)
Then Jolin had a idea to make friendship rings. It was ex.
Went to the shop ' The bluez ' and then ..
they was afraid to talk to the man as he looks scary.
So I ended up asking him.
Then, i don't know what happened cause seonga called me & I picked up.
They just say it was ex, and so we went out . :)
As it's getting late. Decided to go home.
Then on the way to the interchange/mrt we met a huge lizard/reptile. :)
cool ayee? Huge hor? :)
My disfigured ice cream :)
-they&her , together at one conversation.
having a war. I didn't really read much afterwards as I know I wouldn't understand .
Hopefully, things will get better soon.
Why can't be just tell her that we don't like her . That should be alright. o-O?
and of course tell her why. :)
Anyways, as this is getting long .
end here?
Why? ..
it's actually a simple thing. But why is it now so complicated?!
What had just happened? ..
and I wonder why..
it turn out like this.
Maybe it was meant to be . Maybe ...
I don't know.
Why can't things be simple ?
We could just say that but .. it all ended up like this.
It's just too late. I guess?
Well, seems like it had stopped already.
Hopefully, it won't happen again..
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
,looking forward to tomorrow. :)
I'm right. :)
Had lots of fun today. Don't feel like typing today ..
So stop here since I'm going out soon.
Byee people. Later then post lo. :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
The bored-est day ever.
Woke up at the usual time for every School day. After so, wanted to meet Rachel at the MRT station. But guess what? Took the wrong bus . Cause I saw Hao Chen taking that bus mah. Anyway, I still reached the RIGHT school. However, I needa go to traffic light there to meet Rachel. And so.. that's where I met Viviana. Waited with her for Rachel to come. That " Da Xiao Jie " actually don't know how to walk to the traffic light there. == Haiiyoo. At last, she came ! :)
Quickly , pinned up the fringe just in case we can't go in the school. Lool. I very guai one okay? :)
Well, after that. Had our Performance. It was embarrassing thou. But yeah, one for all , all for one. So if the perf is embarrassing. The whole class get embarrassed together. Eventually, we made it :) I think overall is not as bad . We ended with lots of applause, so yeah, not bad :)
Lessons will still be per normal. Just that studying in a whole new environment seems weird to me. And , I seriously hate the seating arrangement. Well, two reasons for that. Firstly, I can't see a freaking thing on the board/projector. So in that case, I won't learn anything. Yeah, seriously , NOTHING. I can't even pay attention to the class lah. Haiish D: Second reasons is .. those people sitting beside or in front of me is not socialise people. Maybe , they are. Just that they socialise that much. And because of that, I'm freaking bored the whole day. Day dreaming + looking outside the door. And to tell about my seat. It's the last right row corner of the classroom. Yeah, it's just next to the door. So whenever Teachers/ Principal or even Mr Hafiz come in . I must be the most alert one. As I would be scolded or I don't knoww..
Keeping quiet , for me it's a hard thing . :) As I'm one talkative person. And.. this position where I'm sitting is making me go bonkers/crazy. I have seriously no one to talk to. Even if I have someone to talk to, I have nothing to talk about. ): I feel so trapped there manx. Nothing to do, nothing to talk. No one that I'm super close with . Although Madam Nurul arranged the seating arrangement according boy girl boy girl. But instead, I felt as if .. she's putting all the talkative at one side and all the not that talkative at the other side ; which is my side. Hmm, I think except derrian and Irdina? They should changed place. hahaa. :) NO OFFENSE!! And I should be changed to the other side, cause yeah, I'm talkative. :)
If this continues, I would become the second Irdina ; which means I would become a quiet person ):
Hopefully, Madam Nurul would consider changing my seat..
Anyway, that's one reason why today is boring.
The other one is , I have nothing to do at home. ): Seems like everyone is bored. o-O?
Well, I guess I woulda stop here then :)
Hope that tomorrow would be better . :D
~Shyn ,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's all too much ..
The chilly star studded sky is glimmering
There’s no need for words of any sort
Rather than trying to uncover the truth concealed behind tears
I’m better off with baseless predictions
Sitting on the bench where the lights have already gone out
And gazing up
Only thoughts of idealities cross my mind
It’s a shooting star
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
If I were to live life as it is simply
I would gather all the miracles dispersed throughout the universe
And try overcoming them
All because these emotions which are pulsing throughout my body
Are dictating me
This wouldn’t do
Am I right?
Being as decisive as cast dice
And not ever having regrets
I hope to move onward to the next destination
The rule book which was created uncertainly
Only timidity appeared later
I continue watching the backs of my rivals
As naked as the moonlight
Was a shooting star which strayed from a pure heart
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
To live life as it is simply
Innocence does not suffice
You can’t escape from conflicts too
Those lessons which I have learnt time after time
Are definitely dictating me
What should I do
It’s a lie isn’t it?
Simply daydreaming
Will not get me anywhere
It also can’t make me more pleasant
I wonder why?
… It’s all too much
Nee! Would someone enlighten me
In order to live life as it is
I want to change even the toughest obstacles facing me into something humorous
And then laugh it off
Because there is no way to resolve it
It is buried within everyday life
That is why I wish to believe
Miracles do exist don’t they?
Am I right?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Rain, I love the rain.
Epik High ft. Younha - Umbrella
Suddenly, I feel like listening to this song. Maybe it's because today it was raining.
Today, I walked from place to place under the rain. It was so nice. I like the feeling.
Although, I get drenched but it's alright. The kind of feeling that can't be described by words.
Luckily, I did not get a cold . :)
Anyway, I wanna reccommend this song because I liked it.
My reason for liking it.
The melody is so calm. It's one of the song that can make me sleep.
Whenever I listened to this song although I don't know the lyrics just by hearing it but the tune is so peaceful that makes me like it.
Anyway, remember to listen to it. :)
I guess I gotta go. Off to mapling. XD
Enjoy the song ~
What happened today.
Needa go school for the commemorative day.
Went to meet Jiayi and Rachel. Oh,then Viviana came along.
Walk to school with them from the MRT station.
Everyone assembled at the new hall today. Then, we did lame things there. == Hahaa.
Well, around 12 we went to see our new class. Which is not as expected big. But still, bigger than the previous one. Uhm, arranged the tables and chairs.
Well, then Madam Nurul started to re-arrange our sitting arrangement.
I was supposedly to sit behind Hidayati which was the last row. Haiish D: Always sit at the last row one. Sobsob. Then Madam Nurul realised that , that row shouldn't have 7 seats. So I shift to Jiayi there. Then Jiayi sit at the back cause she's taller. BUT, now I'm sitting at the 2nd last row and .. i'm at the right corner where the door is. D: OMG, I can't see a bloody thing. And the damn projector is super small ( at that view ). Hopefully, Madam Nurul can changed my seat.
Ohhhh, and to reply WW. Cause he said that " I didn't wear my specs mah ".
WW , if I wear specs also cannot see lo. Even jiayi who wear her specs can't see from there, how I see har? ==
Then after that, we walk walk , explore the new building .
12:30 , dismissed. So , me, Seong A , Rachel , Jolin walk to TM together. But then , the others needa go home. Left with me and Jolin . Well, she wanted to eat Mac so yeah.. okay lo. THEN, i realised that I didn't even have a cent in my wallet. Wtheck, might as well don't bring == I think because I change wallet when going out for Yining b'day.
Ohwell, she paid for me then. Will return her at monday where the school reopen. MUST remind me hor..
Well, around 1:40 lidat. Went home. Can't walk to interchange with JS cause it was raining. She can't touch the rain cause .. she still have chicken pox. D: Sadd. So she went walk walk.
What happened at home?
- 2 o' clock, reach home
- 2:15 pm , watch tv until .. 3 pm
- 3pm , slept on the sofa. Then walk when eyes closed to my bedroom.
- 4:49 pm , Jamie called me . I answered. She told me to come down , yining passing the Class Tee to us. But I was super super tired. Lie on the bed for 11 minutes staring.
- 5 o' clock , decided to go down. But Jamie told me that she's already at home. So she asked me to meet her at the Traffic Light there.
-5:05 pm , Ran to the traffic light there. stupid traffic light keep never turn green man . ( ya, i know I'm a good kid ) .
- 5:07 pm , FINALLY. ._. Well, at that time. I'm already drenched from head to toe.
-6 o' clock , still at there. Chatting with Jamie since the rain hasn't stop yet.
-6:05 pm , decided to just go home .
- 7 o' clock, watched cruel temptation.
- 8 o' clock, started to use the comp until now. 10:50 pm
Uhhm, that's all . :)
18.03.10 ( Yesterday)
Okayy, let's get to the point. Yesterday, went out to E-hub,Downtown East to celebrate Yining's b'day. And it's a super super advance b'day lo. Her birthday is like, the 27th. == 9 days earlier. These days, people like to celebrate super advance b'day. Hahaha.
Well, cause the yesterday night of 18.03.10, which is the 17th. I slept like super late. Around 5:30 am lidat. I can't sleep mahh. So maple the whole night. As in like for 2 or 3 hours nia. That's why the next day I woke up at around 1 + PM . Then I realised that today had to go out . Lool. So I quickly msged Yining ask her what time meet . she say 1 pm. == Well, they in TM going E-hub. So might as well go E-hub meet them. So, I fell asleep again. Hahaa, until around 1:30 then I suddenly wake up. Then quickly bathe and rushed out of the house.
Well, very super paiseh luh. Make them wait for me at the Pasir Ris MRT station. Smmore, I'm still at my house there waiting for the damn bus. Idiot, wait for super damn long leh. Eventually, one came . == Well, then quickly rush to the Tampines MRT station take train. Luckily, they at there enjoying Yoghurt . Or else it would be soooooo paiseh for them to wait. and it was ONLY me . ._.
After so, we went to E-hub .
-Ate my lunch + brunch at KFC.
-Made a Class Tee , wasted 19.90. Well, you know why?!! There's another stall that sell only 7.90 to 19.90. OHWELL! But it came out nice, okay la. Not very nice.
-Go arcade and play. Friggin' fun. Except Belle 's "marvellous" dance. :}
- Take neoprints at arcade. GUESS WHAT?! Yining was clicking clicking seeing which size to print out, and then when she clicked at one of the size which is.. only one big size neoprint. THEN , the timing end . GAHHH! D:
-Walk here and thereee . I actually saw the Grace from 1E4. She stare at me , I stare at her. Just to save the atmosphere.. I waved to her. == I'm not close to her lo, never even talk once to her .
-Wanted to go bowling one. But not enough time. So, didnt bowl ( nice word ! ) .
-Went home with Gee Nee , Yining & Jamie.
That's all .
Thursday, March 18, 2010
17.03.10 ( Today )
Hmm, took 25 minutes to prepare . :)
Then ... went to meet Jia Yi and Rachel at the Interchange there.
Walk here and there finding for Jia Yi. Then I realised she sitting over somewhere near me. ._.So we walked to the Mrt Station just to wait for the da xiao jie ! Rachel lo, waited her for like.. 10 minutes ? Or even more !! Soonn, after a long while, she came.
Then walked to the Interchange meet viviana. Okay, and it's like.. 8:42 ALREADY! AHHHH! Rush there and then.. GUESS WHAT?!! They changed the timing to ... 10:30 ! OMG! What a day ~ So we decided to explore the school since this was my / our first time here.
Then , we went to TM, mac as it was like.. not even 100 metres (idk) away from our school. YAY! So damnnn shiok leh, 3 malls near to my school. AND THEN, Starbucks is just .. opposite the school. WOW, i'm lovin't it ! :}Then , dk who changed the timing to 9:45, so we da bao our food from Mac . Then we walk and eat lo. :)
Soon, we started rehearsal-ing. This time round, we had to go up the stage and perform to like the whole Sec 1's . Lool, no stage fright thou :) Anyway, our perf is not like the lamest like what I thought it would be. Seem like people are actually enjoying our skit. There's even people that says that our skit/show was cute . O_O
Then , we had our second time rehearsal-ing , so it was like.. 12 + already. GAHH, so waste of time D: Uhh, so we was dismissed at around 12:50. ): Going E-hub watch movie with cousin and Brandon so I quickly walked to the TM , interchange . AND THEN , guess WHAT?! OMG, I'm soooo " lucky " today. THE DAMN BUS JUST LEFT!!! ARGH!!! Ohwell~ sobsob ): Waited for 15 minutes until the bus finally came.
Quickly rushed home like crazy ooman. THEN , it was already 2:10 . ZOMG! The movie starts at 2:30 . She already bought the ticket. == Soo.. no choice. Took taxi there. Anyway, it was only 5 dollar was expecting to be more expensive. Okokay, went to arcade to find cloey tan wan qi and Burandon o_O . Went in to watch the movieeee ~
MOVIE TIME! I think around 2 or 3 hours movie? Anyway, ......
Kaiji, The Ultimate Gambler. I recommend this MOVIE to EVERYONE ! Well, it's thrilling , exciting , touching ( in some parts) and .. most importantly , FUNNY! XD
I suggest that you don't bring kids in to watch as.. there are some .. uhmhum, disgusting scene? Where people drop down from a high-up building & people getting burnt by some kind of .. iron rod? Ohwell. THERE'S MORE FOR YOU FIND OUT YOURSELF! Wowowow, I'm like.. advertising the movie uhh? Hehee.
Heheh, sorry that I'm being soooo hyper :p
Then.. we went to play arcade :) Had lots of fun there :)
Then, brandon went home. Me and Cloey was deciding what to eat for dinner. Well, we had Mac . Super super full. Feel like puking. D:
After that, we went home by MRT. :) That's what happened today. :)
What Am I Doing Now ?
Helping Vivy to Photoshop her Picture.
Downloading Maplesea ( I know I'm lame BUT I wannaaaa play it D: )
Chatting on MSN .
Waiting for the download to complete . 55% D: , but still it's a good progress already.
Singing ~ , lalala ~
Breathing and typing! :}
I would now stop my marvellous and wonderful post. XP
16.03.10 [Yesterday]
YAY! I finally thought of what happened yesterday le !:]
Uhhmmmm, yesterday, went out to meet Yining and Gina . Was supposedly to go TM one. But then.. since we're going there just to chat. Might as well, go void deck or something. Uhh, then Gee Nee was already with them.
Gina told me to meet at PCS back gate. So I went there, later she say she at Gee Nee house there, Blk 712. Then I go there, afterwards, she say Blk 718 Basketball Court. WAHSEH, fed up. Then .. no choice wad. So I went there. THEN , she tell me she at my House there. OMGOMG, Super duper fed up, wanna kill people alrd ah. Then I take my own sweet time walk there.. Luckily, this time..I saw them . I WANNA KILL THAT SOMEBODY AH ( GINA) !! Ohwell. Afterwards, we went walking around Blk 700 + region. Haha, very bo liao hor? Then went to the playground chat chat. :)
Until around 6+ then go home. Had fun with em' ! :) Uhh, the rest I can't remember already , heheh :P
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
2:19 AM, good nights.
Anyways, Good nights to blog. To everyone reading my blog . To everyone living on Earth, to all the non-living things on earth. SO , GOOD NIGHTS! :} Imma go sleep now.
Sweet dreams and sleep tight everyone.
Don't let the bed bugs find you ! * evil smile * ;)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Today morning, around I think 9 am. Phone keep vibrating. Ignore , ignore , ignore. After awhile, vibrate again but I'm so asleep that I didn't realise. Then, VIBRATE AGAIN. GAHH, damn pissed off. Look at the phone , SEONGA!! Then I asked her why she called me , she tell me because she had NOTHING TO DO >< Wahh, super super pissed off. But we had a great chat :) Chat with her like for 30 minutes? Ahhh, my precious sleep. ):
I can't sleep anymore , so i wake up and then comp ._.
Anyways, JS is still not online ): Must be still sleeping, should I give her a morning call also? Hahhaas. I wanna continue the .. AHEM discussion. :)
Would be posting another one later , so bye everyone :)
- Shynnn . :)
1: 48 a.m.
Epik High - Run Official Music Video
Run, run, run away….
Run, run, run away….
Run, run, run away….
No matter how much I run (I can’t escape from it).
Run, run, runaway.
If I look back while running (You’re still there).
[Mithra's Verse]
It’s pitch dark.
The world moves on too fast.
I’m the only one who’s limping on both legs.
The path I must walk is endless.
What’s at the end of this path?
Are you going there knowing about it?
Will I learn the answers if I go there with my eyes closed?
The sky that never responds to a such question.
The two arms tied up by a daily life is too heavy to embrace dreams.
I’m scared, I’ve been abandoned locked away.
Just for today run somewhere like your crazy.
Run till you can touch the sky with your hands.
Run till your heart is filled with your dreams.
Everybody run, run, run away…
No matter how much I run (I can’t escape from it).
Everybody run, run, runaway…
If I look back while running (You’re still there).
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
No matter how much I run, I’m still on the same spot.
[Tablo's Verse]
My life is a rainy night that rains 365 days.
Heart that gets smaller in every 24 hours.
I even hid the small comma and its tail,
then the future that awaits me becomes a period…
But carry the new day on your shoulder and run.
What am I running towards?
Weather if the sun’s setting or I if I’m loosing…
I don’t know.
But I go.
Keep on runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ high.
I’m the young star that has been abandoned by the galaxy.
Run till you can touch the sky with your hands.
Run till your heart is filled with your dreams.
Everybody run, run, run away…
No matter how much I run (I can’t escape from it).
Everybody run, run, runaway…
If I look back while running (You’re still there).
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
No matter how much I run, I’m still on the same spot.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
You got me runnin’ runnin’ runnin’ around.
Down, down, down.
For you, who’s running endlessly.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I'm bored ):
Had been chatting with Jolin, MaryAnn , Cloey & Seong A on Msn :) Now their either busy or offline. BORED ! I'm bored ttm ! >: What should I doooo? Do my homework to kill time? O-o , Not a bad idea thou . :)
Actually, we're ( Jia Yi, MaryAnn , Rachel & Me ) supposed to go Rachh's house tomorrow. To play / see hammies :) But then, Jia Yi & MaryAnn cmi. So left with Me . D: So i guess, next time bahs. Maybe this Wednesday then we go. :) OHSHIT, forgot that Wednesday I'm maybe going out with.. Seonga :P She wanted to go tm. So we'll be going to tm straight after the rehearsal in our brand new sch. O-o
HOW? Ayee, idkidk. D:
Kays, people.. nothing to post alrd. :} Uhhm, want me to link/relink yaa? Please.. tag me on the cbox. :) Tmrw will be a boring day. D: Holiday = Homework days. Holiday so boring one ):
Anyone freeee during holiday? Call me out also :) Hehhee.
Grandma's house , O.o
Another new day uh? Sunday already.. Fast huh? Sad D; Holidays always pass so quick. Like what some people says " time flies when we're having fun " , i totally agree. Ohwell.
Yesterday , went to grandma's house after my previous post. Reached Grandma's house around 6pm . Nothing much to do there since I only brought myself and my wallet + hp. Chat with my cousin while she's using her lappy. Had a great time chatting with her since we only meet each other like once or twice a week.
After that , went down to buy bubble tea and tidbits. Seriously, we don't know what bubble tea flavour should be order. We browse through the whole board ( menu ? ) . Then we decided to anyhow mix . I mix honeydew with green tea and she ordered lychee with green tea. Hahaa, hopefully our stomach is not aching after we drank it. It was actually quite nice . But my cousin one is a bit too sweet. But after all , it was good :]
Then.. we ate our dinner. It was delicious ! I love my aunt's / grandma's cooking the most. After eating, I have nothing to do D; Stare at the lappy when my cousin is using. Then lie on the floor listening to music :P After a while, we decided to watch maple series. (Gahh, I know we're lame) . Ohyeah, my cousin ,cloey , her new nickname " ta bu leh ta han ooman ! " She had been saying that word throughout the whole day ==
I reached home around 3 am last night. I was super super tired. So yeah, that's all for my post.
Is it easier to read like that? Hopefully, yes . :] I better go do my homework right now !
SO .... BYE ! :]
Saturday, March 13, 2010
F.Cuz - No One
Nice right? Haha.
Anyways, tag before you leave. Thankyous, :]
Saturday , 13 March. Start of the holiday.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Rachel's adv. birthday celebration! :] & last day of old TPSS D;
Ohyeah, let's talk about.. the Polo Tee. It's okay to me. Just that the school logo seems to be placed in the wrong place. It's looks weird in the middle of the T-shirt huh? But still, i guess it would be comfortable to wear it as the texture is not too bad :] Other than that, i don't think i had anything to talk about for today ( school ). and.. most importantly , this would be the last of us studying in this school. We would go back to our brand new school since then on. So we ( should be rachel & Jia Yi ) took pictures of the school before we left. :] It has been great for this three months staying in this old and abandoned school. I can't bear to leave this school as many happy things happened here before. Memories that we , tampinesian had here. D: But I'm also excited to see our new school. :}
Hmm, after school, went home and today was my unlucky day. When I reached the MRT platform, the train left. When I reached the Bus inter-change where my bus is, the bus just left. GAHH!! Ohwell, that's why I reached home around 1:45 pm. And I was like damn rushed. I quickly do all the necessary things to prepare for our BOSS ( rachel ) 's Birthday. :P So I thought I would be late but I was early. ._. Viviana was already there , so I waited with her for the 3 girls to come. After so, we settle down on a table in Mac. Then , wenwei came along. We ordered our food. We poured out all the fries on one tray. Which is like.. super lot . Didn't managed to finish it after all. :p We gave Rachh our PRESENT , her expression changed throughout the time she opened the present because it was wrapped 5 layers of wrapping paper :D , all thanks to Maryann.
Then after a super super super long time we decided to watch movie. and then what movie? Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It's quite a nice show lo. Me and Maryann shared one Jacket , it was friggin' cold. I think Viviana had a great time chatting with WW in the threatre. HEHEH! After the movie, we went to T1 Arcade. We wasted much of our time at the arcade staring and walking here and there.
After the trip out to celebrate Rachel's b'day. I went home and then meet my parents to send my sister to the airport for her flight. Spend around hours over there, so boring .. I think she's enjoying herself right now on the plane . Hope she would enjoy her trip to Korea. :} After we send her off, went to Starbucks. Had Mocha Frapp, my faveee ! :] Love it ! Caffeine addict :P
Uhh, let's stop here then. Since I had nothing to post about right now. And .. also to shorten my post. :} Uhh, it's still long right? Dammit. D: Sowwieeee people. ):
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Okayyy, i forgot much things that happened today alrd.
Uhh, today was the last day of Mr Daniel 's teaching. Sadsad. But no choice, he need to go for NS . Hope he would be fine thr . :] Hahaa.
What else ehhh? Let me think ahs. Ohyeah, today CE lesson was .. cool? (in a way) Madam Nurul, my form teacher, talked about the warnings and stuff for bullying, vulgarities and stuff. Then she told us the next topic would be BGR . And so.. they started talking bout it. hahaa. It seem as if it's all saying bout you know who. That 5 letter name. :P
Okokay.. after that was Maths and then Literature. OHYEAHH!! Literature the .. skit thing, is a total disater . Ohgawd, I laughed through out the whole.. performance. It was just a casual Perf, from each group of our class. It was among the class, so yeah.. not a big perf thou. But still, it was awkward and embarassed. First of all, lack of time to discuss. Secondly, people not co-operating ( especially, you know who uh? ) . Third, we actually did the wrong things for our rehearsal ( few minutes rehearsal ). We thought it would be like.. actions skit. But then end up it was just a reading + expression + abit actions perf. Loool, anyways, it's over already.
Uhhh, then after Literature we had to stay back for our REAL rehearsal. Hahahs, we went to MPH ( not mental problem hospital horh.. ) to assemble thr. Then OGls tell us to go Hall assemble. But we guys didn't go thr, we went to the canteen instead. Cause we're all starving. Hahaa. Went to buy burgers . We ( as in maryann & me , rachh was already eating ><) waited waited waited and waited for our burgers to be ready. Since we were the last 2 , we so call chat with the auntie , hahaa. Telling her why we stay back and keep telling her to stop making the meat anymore. We're hungry enough, even if the meat is not all cooked , we want to eat it !! Hehee, but since everyone is still over there.. No rush . Then we ( 1 group of girls, not illegal gathering horrr.. ) went up to Hall to assemble.
After so, we rehearse .. Madam Nurul was there watching us. So we must do at least something good. There were group 1 & 2 , I'm from group 1. Group 2 , that stupid derrian keep making us do again and again. So .. end up we did around 4 or 5 times. D:
Anyways, it was fun after all. The guys started to play Sepak Takraw. And dk who kick it and then hit directly on my head. I so lucky hor? Haha. Then we shooo them down , call them play at the parade square. :P We all wanted to go home but then.. Juan Hui ( my OGL ) call us to stay back gossip gossip. End up we played games. Gigi, Wan Zhen , Tay Jia Yi , Me , Seong A , Natalyn , Juan Hui , Rachel ( Qi Wei 's girlfriend , not rachh ) , Qi Wei , Yan Yee , Emily ( that's all right ? ) played the aeroplane game and then the .. story game. Then we find it vry lame so we stopped .
Afterwards, Saetan , Juan Hui 's bf joined in the game. Then we play the gun game.. Tsk, that was super super super lame. But fun when someone slow reaction. XD Uhh, then Saetan decided to play the Ouch Oobie oobie game with us. Lool, so we started playing. And the game starts to get ... hyper and fun. :DDD
Everyone end up with red red legs. We hit one another. :} Can even see my blood veins thing and also .. there's bruise. Wanzhen lo, hit me so hard. And then Rachel also starts to hit me cause she no choice mah. She duwan to hit her beloved Qi Wei. hahaas. Lool, scary right? I know i know, we play until super scary leh. Pity Wan Zhen much, she sat beside two scary woman ( me and natalyn ) . So we decided to make the game more exciting. We say , when one person slow reaction when saying the ' ouch ' / ' oobie oobie ' , the person get a double hit by both side . :} And then .. wanzhen ah.. She keep getting hit by me and nat. hahaas, I know i damn violent ! :] Then the Qi Wei and her Gf, Rachel sit side by side. So they hit each other softly. So not fun oneee.. D; Then JuanHui is different, she hit her bf hard. But her Bf never hit her one. D:
So we decided to change the sitting arrangement. End up , Saetan and Rachel sit beside me. Then i cannot keep hitting Rachel only mah ( although, i want revenge hahaas. Jks) so i decided to hit Saetan also. Hit him quite hard ba? ( i guessed ) and so he hit me back also. Wahhh, he like so damn strong la. His one hit is three times mine leh. Scary hor? So.. one side of my leg is sooooo red with red red things. Disgustingg...
But still,that's the fun part of the game . Pain = FUN! :] Hahaa. We stopped the game because Wan Zhen cannot tahan anymore. Can see she wanna cry alrd, hahaa. Jkjk. So we all went home.
Walked with Amalina and Jiayi to MRT. Then the twooooo sweeeeet couples also thr. So we keep go disturb them. And keep saying we are " light bulbs " . Hahaa, so funny.
It was another memorable day. So i predict right huh? Tommorow would be a better day. Had already applied Antiseptic cream . Hopefully, it would be get better :] Hahaa. So , that's all for today. Really really really super duper enjoyed today . :} It was fun !! Made friends with Rachel also. :] Ayeeee, okok. Better stop here before i post about her ( you know who) . hahaa, she so funny & cute lo. (Rachel) :} Anyways, I'm looking forward to TOMMOROW! :}
...... , byebyeee ~
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Time flies uh?
GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!! :DD Sweet dreams & Sleep tight ! :}
uhh, today woke up at 6.15 worhx. Was supposedly to wake up at 5:30 am one. But it was raining, so it like DAMN NICE to sleep loh. Wake up and then lie down sleep until 6 am. Hahaa, wake up because someone msg-ed me . Uhh, mike lo. Ended up , 6:15 am wake up = No need study alrd . Hahaha, wanted to wake up early to study for today History Test one. End up no time lo. D:
After that dad drove me to school. Reached school around 7:20 lidat. Then nth much to do, msg and study in classroom. After that, as per normal.. lesson started. WW looks as if he just bathe. XD He was like drenched . Not really vry damn wet la. After that .. his Gel on the hair no more le. XD
History Test was okay after all. Cos Mr Daniel gave us hints before the test starts. Sadly, he's going to leave the school already. Haiish D: Sobsob ~ We'll miss you, Mr Daniel ! ( Hopefully .. HAHAS ) . Aiya, he's quite a funny teacher mah, agreee? lool.
Geog and science was so bored lo. Ohyeah, Maths also. During maths, everyone is with a Blur and confused and tired look. Hahhaa, Mr Lim 's teaching is too powderful alrd. Hahhaa.
Thenthenthen, literature. Uhh, they perform a skit lo. Hahas, so funny. Stupid Derrian Stomp stomp stomp. and then his beat-boxing is like what the hell. O_O
2:30 pm , yay dismiss alrd. ARGH! Sweep the dumb floor. Mr Hafiz maybe checking the cleanliness. Stupid her ( you know who ) never do her job lah. Wtheck, so pissed off sia. End up, me , MaryAnn & Wenwei sweep the hell floor.
After that, went home with Rach, MaryAnn & V. Then rachel pity WW , say he very lonely now. Must wait for him.. So we walk and stop, walk and stop. Rachel tooo kind alrd. At last, dk when he suddenly behind us. Hahhaas. Then waited for the Mrt to come. WW give her sweet , she like wtheck. So big lidat.. ._. Anyways, alight at Simei with Rach and MaryAnn. And .. i shouted " good luck " to ww. Hahahhaa ~
Then we went to eat MR BEAN ! Green Flavour Iceee Cweaamm. :] Yummmy ~ Eat finish then walk Rach to Bus-stop. haha, and then.. uh huhh.. uhhh.. We pick ******'s ******* . ( hope she doesn't see this post!!! ) So cute lo, .... & .... ! :] Just in case , she see this. XP thenthennthen, luckily have ww the 10 dollar. Or else, we can't afford . D:
Then now i'm home , blogging again. :]
Ohwell, that's all for today ! :] Had a fun day today. Hopefully, tmrw would be better ! (rehearsal) ._. TSK! Wonder would the rehearsal go smoothly or not. Haiish D:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Okayyokayy, today.. stayed back to make POM POM! XD Lool, we waited for 1 & half hour before the lesson (making of pom pom) starts. Dumb right? Gahh, everyone was like.. 3:30 then go thr. Tsk! So pissed off lah ==
Anyways, it was fun after all. Hahhaaa, our pom pom look like shit. :D Cabbage and a piece of shit , what we named it. :} Made by : Me & Maryann. and then we spend around 2 hours making and tearing the pom pom into smaller piece to make it.. puffy. :] Rach, maryann, Jiayi and me was like so lame. We tied strings on our leg first and then our wrist. == And .. then we went to the toilet take photos ._. YEAH, i know it's LAME == Hahaha, the photo with Jiayi . So .. i don't have and can't post it up D; Then we four went home around 5:30 ( i guess )
Uhh, then walk with Yunxin to TM to meet PEOPLES :] Waited for them outside the cinema .Went thr with school uniform, heheehh. So must walk with PRIDE XD Then walk walk walk aimlessly. Until went out to the Entrance. Then.. WW met his Mum , lool. Dk whether to say he lucky or unlucky . :P He helped his mum take things and then went home ._.
So we continue our trip ... went to makan at subway AGAIN. ._. This time.. is like so bored lo. No one talk onee... D; After that , walk walk with Natalyn.. and then go meet derrian , aqahsha ( don't blame me if i spelt wrongly ) and Joshua.
THEN , we went home ._. So sian oneee ~ No choice lo. Tmrw still need to study what. Sad D; and now.. I'm HOME blogging. So tired after the whole day. But.. sleeping is a waste of time ( okays, i admit i quote it from him ._. ) Nothing much to post about .. So yeah, stop here !! :]
Monday, March 8, 2010
So.. good nights blog and people. :]
Misunderstanding ..
It's a way to express my feelings towards some stuff by typing out what I think and my opinion of things . In my opinion, blog spot is a site for people to write about their daily life and to share it with others . Sometimes, it also helps people to think more positively and see life in a different way. So.. I really hope I could help people to think differently in a better way. It's better to share things than letting them struggle in your heart , your mind. Hopefully, I would be a good listener and try to understand, so.. ask me questions too :]
ohyeah, I'm Shyn wui. 13 this year ( 2010 ) . Living in part of the EARTH. I'm just your average girl. Currently still studying as a student. I'm a Singaporean which means I'm an Asian. ( don't be prejudice uhh.. ) One last important thing, don't mind my words and my grammars. I'm not a person that uses bombastic words. Simple is better. You agree? I'm a simple person that loves simplicity. Complicated stuff just make my head spins. I hates Betrayers , backstabbers, teacher's pet (suckups) . Agreeee? You can hate me, but tell me why. I'm easy-going and out-going. Just speak your mind , don't be shy :] You're always welcomed here.
My Confession to MUSIC
I love music, it's like my husband. Can't live without it. It's already my habit/ part of my life to listen to music every single day. As you know, music sones your souls. It's the only thing that can make my head calm and let me be in peace. So.. I would always update my music playlist over >>> It's also a way to recommend songs to you guys. Do recommend me songs too, only English/Korean songs. XD
In my country, (which some others don't really know) 13 years old is when you gets into Secondary school. Experiencing a new life. A whole new environment. I'm already used to it by now. Since it's already march,many many many many things happened. A whole lot of wonderful things and also.. things that are unhappy do happened. It's marvellous and I seriously love this . My life changed since that day onwards. I became a better person , i guess? Made lots of new friends .. And of course, enemies? hahah. :D I can't stop thinking how much I love this school. Now I finally don't feel bored going to school. Although we still had to study. D: But after all, school is fun ! :] ( don't think me as some kind of nerds or something ) XD
I guess I introduced tooo much uh?