Hello lovelies! It's September ALREADY! Time flies fast, huh?
All girls and boys out there, enjoy your break from school alright !
I will definitely take a GOOD not-long-enough BREAK from school too :3
So I went out with cousins for Swesen's yesterday. It's been awhile since we hung out together, everyone was too busy with their lives.
All of us ordered fish for our lunch and it was definitely a good deal because with every main course you order, you get a free ice cream or drinks from the category they picked.
The ice cream and drinks are worthed from 6 bucks to 9 bucks and you get em' for freeeee!
Sambal fish. Their sambal chilli is awesome (Y)
Fish & Chips with tartar sauce. Crispy texture, bread crumbs.
Salmon with mashed potato.
Fish & Chips with Apricot sauce. Something really new and fresh.
And our picks on ice cream
Banana split !
sticky chewy chocolate!
chocolate with crunchy choco cereals!
chocolate with choco malteser balls!
These are the three ice cream under the " chocolate faves " category.
All three are SGD9 ++, worth it or not?!
Our stomach were full like it's gonna explode! And so we need to walk to digest!!
So we headed out aimlessly after our meals. Asking one another " where are we going ? " and we all replied " I don't know '. HAHA. damn!
This outing was really rush and unplanned, our motives were only to have lunch in swesen's and to eat the ice cream mooncake.
I'm not really a fan of mooncake thou, and by then we were already full to stuff a mooncake down.
When you have nothing to do, the best thing for EVERYONE to do is to watch a movie! Cuz' it's long and we hang out together literally.
We all agreed and left to catch a movie at Golden Village. Well, I can say it's really SUPER RUSH, we had no idea what to watch.
We just picked something we could all watch, (y'know we can't watch NC16) and something that looks promising.
THE MOVIE WE CHOSE ... (drum roll) ..
the only reason why we chose this is because it's a comedy movie !
Well, if you give me a word to describe this movie it will be ....
I give a rating of 9.5/10! Read the Ellen DeGeneres's review on this movie.
"Ellen called the movie “amazing,” “incredible” and “astoundingly good."
This movie is all about how love develops. It's indescribable cuz' it really tooooo funny!
There is hot scenes ( I swear it's PG 13 ) and also an epic twist and surprise in the story.
If you're gonna watch this movie, I suggest you to stop reading here.
or just scroll pass the spoiler ( where there's dots) WITHOUT reading :p
This movie revolves around a man's love life, the main lead which is Steve Carell in the role of Cal Weaver. A father of two children, a daughter and a 13 year old son.
So his wife kinda screwed his life upside down with a single sentence " I want a divorce " .
WELL, and it all started like this.
Cal Weaver, a devoted and faithful husband and father but soon, he lost his MAN in himself.
Y'know every woman wants a really 'man' husband which can give her support EVERY TIME.
So this dude went to the bar and met a really COOL AND HOT MAN! RYAN GOSLING.
OMG, HE IS SO HOT!! damn!
So Ryan Gosling as Jacob wanna help Cal to get back his manliness and let his wife regret.
Makeover, the lessons and ... the make out ! :3 Cal succeeded !
BUT.. after all he had been through, he realized that he did not get over his wife.
All in all, Cal got back with his wife and children.
A 13 Year old likes 17 year old.
17 year old likes 40+ year old.
Making out 9 times but still love the first one.
Epic and hot sensation one night stand.
one last sentence : YOU MUST WATCH " CRAZY STUPID LOVE "
Once the movie is over, we're back to square one. Walking around aimlessly, not knowing where should we go.
Soon, one of my cousin left and we're left with the three of us.
By then, it was already 5pm, so we agreed to just buy some donuts home, and because we don't have space for more food, LIKE SERIOUSLY. :p
Was already stuffed with all the popcorn. :3

my all time faves from J.CO,
Oreology and mango blitz.
J.CO had came out with a new J.Club and they are offering Tuna, Salami, Cheese and Omellete Sandwich made from donut. I sooo gonna try them!
Well, and hey guys I have decided to change my blog layout AGAIN.
I can't stand seeing such a worn-out blogskins, it really sting the eyes.
so I guessed, my blog will currently be UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I will finish it ASAP!
I thank all my readers for bearing with me with my not-updating habit and waiting to read it still. <3
Now to update you with my life.
I'm looking forward to go out with the nutty family on Tuesday to have a H&M Haul!
On Wednesday, there will be a CIP cum' outing with the class in ECP! It will be a blast!
And I will make my schedule for the holidays pack like hell, I NEED AIR. :3 HAHAHA, random!
that's all for the day. Ciaosu!